The most attractive part of a person is invisible!

Love, beauty, intellect, and spirituality all in one place.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Are You A Keeper or a Throwback?

I'm an expensive SALMON keeper, for sure!

Are you a Keeper or a Throwback? click here for full post

It's both Smart & Sexy to - SAVE THE "COOKIE"!!!

Proverbs 31 stresses the importance of a woman being "virtuous". A man should be proud of us and speak about our honorable works, our resourcefulness, and our personal integrity. Although Steve Harvey has put a wonderfully funny spin on this whole subject in his new book "Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man", the principle remains the same.

Women are beautiful, precious gifts from God. And although the bible refers to us as the "weaker" vessel, by now we all should know that "weaker" actually means more delicate and precious, like fine china. China is a material which needs to be PROTECTED and SAFEGUARDED against damage. It has to be HANDLED PROPERLY and stored in the right manner. You wouldn't just toss your most expensive set of platinum china in the dishwasher and think it will not break or damage, would you? So, why do women throw their hearts AND their bodies to men who just don't understand their true worth or value? Why do women "cast their pearls to swine" in hopes to gain their love or approval? I'm not really calling men swine, I love our God-given, heads of the family. But the question is why are the cookies so available to the "cookie monsters"?

By the way, today I was googling more meanings of my name (derived from Sharifa) and I found out that my name actually means "virtuous" and "honor". With that said, I encourage all women today to begin to HONOR themselves as the virtuous women of God that He has called us to be. We are PRECIOUS COMMODITIES much like that fine china! Not a throwback fish in murky waters.........

Friday, March 20, 2009

Smart & Sexy Little (Un)Known Fact (click here)

Recession Obsession with a Twist

Double Cheeseburger Meal = 899 cal/45 fat grams.
ChicFilA Sandwich=410 cal /16 fat grams.

Time it takes to make a TURKEY SANDWICH=30 seconds
Money saved per year = $1,170
Time less on treadmill working off a "bi-zillion" calories=2 hours

Looking great and being healthy = PRICELESS!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

For The Smart & Sexy (click here)

RUN, Forest! RUN!!!!

Such a beautiful day it's been today, highs in the 70s, lows in the was a perfect day to run! It's been almost 8 weeks since my last run or my last workout, I confess I was slacking. Much to blame upon my increased work load but running is the best thing to cope with the stresses of work and life's other little problems.

So, I got back out there. I was back on track, literally. I thought I would've had a difficult run the first time back out but guess what? It's like I never stopped. I got on the track of Mt Trashmore and settled my thoughts for a nice, long, strenuous 45 minute WALK. However, approximately 1/4 mile into it I couldn't stand such a slow pace and my hips and calves started screaming, "Work me out!" So, I commenced a light jog and before you knew it I was running again! Surprisingly, I discovered some essential things while I was in a sort of meditational sprint. I will share my discoveries in hopes to be a blessing to you. So, here they are:

1) Running forces me to slow down and focus on the journey and NOT too intently on the destination.
Whenever I began to concentrate on finishing I began to breath harder, get more anxious, fluctuate my pace, and not enjoy the running experience. Sometimes we do this in life.

2) Running forces me to be patient.
I can't finish until I finish! That may sound crazy but think about it. I can think about being finished my run mentally BUT I'm not actually finished until the run is completed physically. I haven't truly succeeded until I meet whatever predetermined goal I've set in advance. This can only be achieved through patience. If I decide to quit early it's because I wasn't patient enough to see it through to completion.

3) Running builds endurance.
The more I run the stronger I get (mentally, physically, and spiritually). I don't have to run fast...I just have to keep going and not stop. I have to work my muscles (heart, legs, and thighs) so that they become strong. Strength doesn't come quickly or automatic. Strength and endurance comes with practice, working at it, and being consistent.

4) Running forces me to "Keep It Moving".
Before I get into this one, I will say that when I run....I run forward not backwards (lol). With that said, running allows me to concentrate on moving forward, progressing towards the goal (perseverance), and not looking backwards (not digressing or being stagnate). I'm not focused on my past shortcomings or previous failed attempts. It doesn't matter what's behind me. The most important thing is what's before me. It's paramount that I not give up, not get distracted, that I focus on the journey and complete the task on target.

In closing, "the race is not for the swift or the strong but to those who can endure to the end". Life is not a race, it is a journey. A journey which is meant to be enjoyed every step of the way. Clear your mind, set a good pace and although pains, trials, and disappointments may come along the path they are all meant to "work together for the good because we are called according to His purpose!" (Rom 8:28)

Be Blessed and remember to "Run, Forest! Run!"
God Bless, Peace, and Be Encouraged. Shariva