Is there more going on in our world other than the NY plane crash or the President's $830B stimulus package? If so, I can't tell. And how many zeros is in a billion or trillion exactly... I forgot.
Is the media an evil ploy to keep us in fear and in an emotionally disturbed bondage? http://www.cnn.com/ Please tell me what you think. Post a comment.

(Personally tried it and love it)
Great for hyperpigmentation and dark spots, too!!
- 1 teaspoon (or more) lemon juice (lemon aid/lemon juice will do)
- 1 egg white
- 1 teaspoon Yogurt (optional)
Technique:Mix 1 egg white, lemon juice, yogurt in a bowl and whisk until whipped consistency. Apply with a clean makeup brush to the area. Let set and dry for 20 minutes, or overnight if desired. Rinse with warm water, then cool water to close pores. Your face will be smooth and oil free. Repeat 2-3 times weekly to remove stubborn oil and Tzone issues.
A YOUTUBE sight that I LOVE is anything by "Ricebunny". Little asian girl name Michelle Phan. She has beautifully, flawless skin. Below is her link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V61IJIE7sH4&feature=PlayList&p=F6F5F6A265592CFC&playnext=1&index=2
Later I will post my EGG and HONEY mask. A pore reducing mask. It's yummy too!!
FOR THE FASHIONABLE - Spring Shopping 2009
On a recent trip to McArthur Center (Mall) I noticed that the Spring fashion lines are out. Stores that received honorable mentioned in this post: H&M (of course), Forever 21, Coach, Bebe, and Charlotte Russe.
Remember to shop smart! Start at the sale racks which still have winter clothes that we STILL need (it snowed just last night) and be sure to catch the bargains.
Hola Chica!!! I am loving your blog already.... you know I will be trying your tips. I will let you know what I think once I try them :-) Elvira
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that the news is designed to really highlight the negative. I had to "ban" CNN for a while..I just couldn't take the negativity. I'm learning that as a Christian, I need to stay informed yet still be ever mindful of Who has total control of all things!