F-Forgive and forget things of the past. It's impossible to fully embrace an awesome future if your heart is full of ill feelings toward people or situations which hurt or disappointed you in the past. It's also difficult to embrace the dream before you if you are stuck in the nightmare of a past which has left you disappointed and broken. Put the pieces of your life together, walk away from things that held you back, and wake up to a new dawn on the horizon!
E-Embrace the dream you'd once forgotten. Pull out your old notebooks, your old vision/dream boards, and your old journals and get to work. Start devoting time AGAIN to the thing that keeps whispering to your heart. Maybe it's rekindling a forgotten relationship or friendship. Maybe it's pursuing that small at home business. Maybe it's writing or publishing a written work you started years ago. Whatever IT is, begin again to dream again.
A-Allow yourself to believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Sometimes we negate our potential because of how we perceive our past. Past perceived failures are just that, "perceptions." Change how you see the things that beset you. Failure is how YOU perceive it. I view my failures as opportunities to begin again! You haven't truly failed unless you quit!
R-Realize the time. There is a season and a time for everything. Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Seize the Moment! Don't procrastinate and don't be LAZY! If tomorrow's not promised to any man, how would you like your tomorrow to look? Will it resemble a chaotic existence of deadlines and timelines not met with failed opportunities to pour into someone else's life? Remember to BE the person you desire to become. Each day is another opportunity to make a "real" difference. Life is about service, who did you serve today?
Redefine the meaning of F.E.A.R. and let nothing hold you back from being a better, more productive, and more significant YOU.
"God did not give us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and of a sound mind."
Yes its amazing how fear can cripple us..driving home from GA we took RT 85, which we had never driven before..All I could focus on was my fear of mountains which this RT had plenty of..I had a slight panic attack and As i came thru I breathed a sigh of relief that I made it safely..but I never got to enjoy this scenic route because of my fear..I didnt enjoy the sun peeping thru the trees, the grass greener than ever, the towns nestled in the foothills of the mountains, the quietness of God speaking thru the silence were lost at that time on me..but you know there is a place and time we have to conquer that which holds us back and its usually ourselves.. so great timimg Riva (charlene)