The most attractive part of a person is invisible!

Love, beauty, intellect, and spirituality all in one place.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Recession Obsession. Product 1 for Beauty on a Budget

Lipstick and Brains Blog is not only a blog devoted to the things of the spirit but also the natural; beautiful things. Today, in my quest for beautifulness (not really a word), I'd like to highlight a "Product that Delivers!" Baking Soda!"

Whether it was my chocolate indulgence over the last few days or last week's emotional/physical/spiritual rollercoaster, my skin was screaming for some help. Acne breakouts and dark spots seemed to have gotten worse overnight although I know it didn't (really). For some strange reason I've been plagued with adult acne and I'm not ashamed to admit it to the masses. We ALL have something plaguing us or that we'd like to improve whether it's physically, spiritually, or emotionally. So, I decided to take a stand. I wanted a product that delivered. Over the years I've probably spent an entire paycheck in search of a product that delivered results. My, oh my, who knew I'd discover this inexpensive little treasure hidden right under my nose, BAKING SODA!

I searched Youtube and found quite a few videos praising the results of this cheap kitchen product. So, I said, "Why not try it, what could I lose?" I tried it and to my surprise it worked after the FIRST USE! No waiting three weeks for ultimate results, although I'm sure I'll reach nirvana by that time and I'll have much clearer, healthier looking skin. But, today it delivered in as little as 20 minutes!

The Process
I mixed a paste in order to make an "emergency mask." A couple of teaspoons mixed with a LITTLE water until you have the consistency of a thick lotion. I prepped my skin by washing it with a normal facial wash, followed by applying a hot clothe to my skin for 30 seconds in order to open my pores, then I slothered the paste all over my face, applying a bit more in those "problem areas." I let it sit between 8-15 minutes or so (I lost track of time, lol). And, I rinsed my face with warm water and then applied VINEGAR to restore and balance the PH in my skin. The paste did sting just a bit, but this is how I knew it was working...can you believe it? Baking soda! I found all of these little tips to "acne free" skin over the internet. The worldwide web is no joke! A plethora of knowledge, but some of it is junk!

The Results
I noticed afterward, not only was my skin smooth and matte, but the breakout minimized tremendously! After about 5 - 10 minutes (when my skin had settled), the acne minimized even greater, as well as minimized pores. Can you believe these results only after ONE use?!? Amazing! I will definitely try this again and incorporate baking soda into my daily skin routine. Baking soda has alot of other benefits and can be used in MANY other ways, just google the uses and you won't be disappointed.

More Info
Website links for more info on Baking Soda for facial remedies:

Video websites on

That's it for now, don't forget another cheap solutions from one of my earlier blogs where I discuss how LEMONS also serve as a good dark spot eraser. Until later, stay fabulous, stay beautiful, and most of all stay BLESSED!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your WANT verses His WILL

Growing up in my "young adult" years I never felt a need to consult anyone or seek counsel regarding my actions, decisions, or choices. I did whatever I wanted to do, went wherever I wanted to go, and became whatever my career choice was at that moment because I was raised to be "independent." But, does being independent mean not seeking advice? I did as my own little (selfish) heart desired. If wanted to travel someplace, I went. If I wanted to buy something, I bought. If I wanted to date someone, I endeavored. Only to end up suffering from debt, deliquence, and discouragement in relationships, finances, and career choices. Never did I consult or concede to someone else's opinion about my own actions, at least most of the time. I figured, "It's my choice so I'd bare my consequence, good or bad." I did as pleased, I lived as I desired, and sometimes suffered in silence and embarrassment because of poor choices and NO or unGodly counsel. Little did I know how foolish that was; thank God for His grace that transcended my foolish heart, time which heals all wounds, and covenant connections to help me along the way.

There's a growing trend in the marketplace called "consulting." People are hiring personal coaches to consult them in their life choices, companies hire and pay big bucks to agencies to advise their decisions for a better financial future and to grow their company. Ironically, as I study the bible there are also many examples of "consulting" in the Word of God. Moses sought the counsel of the Lord, and even his father in law (at times) to better help govern the people, David and other kings consulted the prophets, like Nathan before big decisions were made and even afterward in order to determine the likely outcome of their choice. And, even Paul consulted Silas while on their missionary journeys to help with congregations in various regions in those days. So, if big, successful businesses find it necessary to seek counsel for future growth, and the forefathers sought counsel through partnerships, what's happened in the minds of some Christians along the way?

Most of us leave God out of our plans, our dreams, our intentions, and our hearts. We leave God out of our relationships, our families, our workplace, and our finances. Is it because we are used to being "independent?" Does independent really mean a lack of dependency on God, the one who CREATED you? Are you not willing to do what He tells you to or accept His "no" if that's His choice and will for your life? Are we all control freaks and like to have our own "board of directors" which consists of three people (me, myself, and I)? Or, is it really a more deeper issue than that? Are we more motivated and driven by our own "internal wants," moreso than God's "eternal will?" These are all questions I posed to myself in the midst of suffering a test and trial recently.

Not long ago, I was faced an opportunity to have something I really WANTED and felt God had blessed me superabundantly. In the end, when it didn't manifest and I was left empty handed and brokenhearted I was left questioning my faith, my internal beliefs, and even my deepest desires. Was MY want greater than God's WILL? Was my life really about pleasing God no matter what it cost, what it took (away), or was I "happy" with God only when I obtained my "wants?" This kind of questioning is transparent and UNCOMFORTABLE, but I was willing to face it.

Oftentimes, Christians want the blessing but not the heart of the blessor. The heart of God transcends your wants and desires. Make no mistake, God will take care of your needs, for His word says, "I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor my seed begging for bread" but, His will for your life is for you to complete your PURPOSE on earth which may have NOTHING to do with what you desire. "Meeting your purpose" sometimes interupts your plans, your dreams, your hopes, your intentions, and yes...your WANTS! God is sovereign, make no mistake. I'm learning this the hard way. This is definitely not an easy pill to swallow. I'm sure Jesus' "desire" was NOT to have to drink the cup of sin, be brutally beaten, and then suffer the cross. Think about it, would you be like, "Sure God...I'll do it!" In spite of what He would have to face, suffer, and endure, Jesus responded, "Nevertheless, Lord, YOUR WILL be done." He said my "want" may not fulfill your WILL. Wow, I aspire to be more like Jesus but oh, such suffering.

You see, serving God is a CHOICE for me which has had some GREAT satisfaction over the years, but also some severe and astounishing suffering. Alot of people, preachers, and pastors are motivated to preach about the glory and SATISFACTION of salvation but stray away from the subject of suffering. It doesn't set the scene for a good shouting session, it's not popular to preach, and it may not fill pews.

I don't serve God out of tradition, habit, nor ritual, or even to get a handout; I do it out of LOVE. And, sometimes love hurts! But, those whom God loves He chastens (hurts) in order that they be MATURED in their faith and in their walk. Think about it, what can an infant teach a master? Would you want someone to minister to you who's never personally experienced anything themselves? Who better can help heal hurt, pain, addiction, brokeness, lack, or suffering than someone who's walked through that valley? People who say "I know how you feel" who has never experienced it are liars, point blank! So, I'm telling me until it hurts so I can be made WHOLE.

Kingdom minded people know that serving God is sometimes uncomfortable, unconventional, unpopular, and inconvenient but they do it anyhow (out of love). The benefits of love far outway the present circumstance of a painful situation.

I was inspired to write this after reading the Book of Ecclesiastes..."everything is futile, vain, and chasing after the wind" is what Solomon said. The wisest, richest, most innovative King that ever lived summed up life saying, "Nothing you do, except for what you do for God matters." (paraphrased).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Deal with it!

Life can deal you a "terrible blow" at times but success is based upon how you "DEAL WITH IT." We make plans and plans seemingly fail. We chose love but sometimes face heartbreak. We have dreams but reality and nightmares smack us in the face, why? Why does life seemingly play games with our emotions, our intellect, and even our very existence? I'll tell you why. Because, we are CONTENDING FOR OUR FAITH!
Without faith it's impossible to please God (Heb11:6). Heck, without hope what's the use of living? Without hope we become oppressed by the systemic, oppressive flow of a "barely making it" type of life instead of living an overcoming, super-excited, more abundant type of life God intended for us. Without hope the people perish(Prov29:18)! Without hope what else is there? Hope beyond hope is what Abraham (Rom4:18) did. He hoped beyond what the situation seemed like on the surface. He hoped even when the promise was perveted by hasty judgment. He hoped even when it was a sacrifice (his son Isaac). Inspire yourself to hope no matter what HELL you may be faced with. Look HELL square in the face and say, "Not today, hope is on the way!"

Hope and faith are the same. They are both invisible, inherent, and intentional. If you don't have hope, you may as well wave your finger at God's ability for possibility. Without hope why go on living? A life without hope (and faith) is a mundane and misguided kind of life. Wandering, worrying, and complaining about the vicissitudes of life or the hand you've been dealt will get you nowhere at the card game of life (except maybe BUSTED). So, put your game face on and play your best hand knowing God has equipped you with the attitude, drive, and determination to WIN! Remember, read the end of the story (Revelation)...In the end, WE WIN!

I'm preaching to myself this morning when I write, "Instead of getting busted, get RICH!" A life filled with hope and faith lead to a life filled with better possibilities and a "rich", abundant type of life."

I felt inspired to write this blog after facing a very tough trial in my personal life. Weirdly, I was inspired to write again after watching a movie titled, "Legion" a story about hope in the midst of a hellish and dark world. After many months of nonblogging, I've decided to reignite my creative energies and change pain into gain by putting fingertips to keypad, ascribing feelings in an invisible world called "the internet." Be blessed!